Is local support for TimeTec Solution available?
Yes. TimeTec has more than 200 authorized resellers in approximately 120 countries. You may contact us via email, Skype, GoogleTalk for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week year-round service.
Where is the location of TimeTec Solution Server?
Currently, the TimeTec platform is located in West California, United States of America.
Do you set up your own cloud platform, or you work with a third party vendor?
TimeTec is currently working with Amazon EC2 who acts as our Cloud platform provider.
What is the uptime guarantee for TimeTec?
Please click here for more information.
How safe is my data on your cloud?
Don't worry, we deploy necessary precautions to keep your data safe and we have sufficient recovery plans in place to manage your data in our cloud.
Do I need to fulfill system requirements to use TimeTec Leave?
Fortunately, no. TimeTec Leave works across all browsers and all mobile devices.
Where can I buy TimeTec Leave? If I'm overseas, can I still use your product?
In this cloud era, so long as you have an internet connection, our product is there and you can oversee things even though you are away.
Is TimeTec Leave available in my region?
Yes it is, because TimeTec Leave is a cloud-base system, it is available on the Internet at all times, accessible worldwide.
Does data sync between TimeTec app and the web happen instantaneously?
Definitely! However, if you are not sure whether any syncing occurs, refresh the screen and voila!
Do I need to buy TimeTec app or does it have any in-app purchase?
TimeTec app can be installed for free from iOS and GooglePlay but you only can utilize it to the fullest when you subscribe with TimeTec solutions like TimeTec TA or TimeTec Leave.
What is the average time required for TimeTec Leave implementation?
It depends on how many employees your company have and how complex is your leave policy, accrual rules, restrictions and etc. You can get it done in a matter of hours or for a larger organization it may take a longer time. You don't have to worry because TimeTec support team will always be there to assist you through.
On User License |
What is the rationale of charging TimeTec Leave by a block of 10 users instead of counting the license by the exact number of users to reduce the implementation cost?
Staff turnover is never constant and always changing in a company. To charge for an individual license for every new recruit is cumbersome because you have to go through TimeTec Leave license subscription and the payment process before he/she can be registered into the system, or you will need to cancel a user license if he/she had resigned. Charging 10 users per block of user licenses would ensure that a company has some spare licenses to be used at anytime. The TimeTec Leave license subscription fee is only USD2 per user per month, comparatively low in the market, and the minimum of 10 users as a unit of group license only to justify our investment and commitment to provide high quality and reliable system for you.
If my company has a subscription billing cycle of one year, and in the middle of the year, we hire some new staff and we run out of spare user licenses, can I buy new User Group License and still sync with my billing cycle?
Yes, you can subscribe to a new User Group License anytime, and sync it to the expiry date (calculated monthly) of your billing cycle. You would be charged according to the remaining months of your existing expiry date. In reverse, if you want to reduce your User Group License due to staff reduction, you can unsubscribe and get the refund minus the administration charge of USD10 and bank charge accordingly.
Note: The Term of Subscription Discount is not applicable for additional User Group License subscription in between Billing Cycle.
Could my free trial data get transferred to my subscribed account to save on repetitive tasks on system set up and data entry?
Definitely. Our system is designed to allow free trial data to be migrated to the subscribed account to avoid repetitive data entry and system set up.
Services and Features |
Can I get instant notification when employees submit their leave application?
Yes. Superiors will receive a push notification and also email for all leave applications.
How do I make leave request approval?
Simply check the request via TimeTec Leave app or web and approve. Details of the leave and the list of approvers are available for reference.
Am I able to see booked leaves of other employees?
Yes. All leaves will be displayed in a calendar for employees view.
Does the system support import of staffs' leave taken and balance?
Yes. You can import the current leave taken & balance and import it into TimeTec Leave using xls file.
On Integrating TimeTec Leave & TimeTec TA |
Could TimeTec Leave be accessible with the same credentials as of TimeTec TA?
You can subscribe with the same owner account to both TimeTec TA and TimeTec Leave. The trial can be activated in the Admin's My Account settings, under Company > Company Account. Users will also be able to use the same login credentials for both applications.
Would we be able to share the company and user information if we use both TimeTec TA and TimeTec Leave?
Definitely! Company information, organization structure, leave types will be shared within these two applications, so you don't have to set them again. However, for user account, you will need to assign your system's users to the correct application for them to be able to use the solution.
Would the leaves applied through TimeTec Leave be reflected in the duty roster & schedules configured in TimeTec TA?
Yes, approved leaves will be visible in the Roster Overview of TimeTec TA; in both web and mobile app.
Questions on TimeTec Leave App module (User point of view) |
1. What does the pie chart represents on the homepage and will it change according to my leave balance?
The pie chart represents your total leave allowances for all leave types within a current year. Each utilised leave will be deducted from your balance and your current balance will be reflected on the pie chart accordingly.
2. Can I apply for a leave directly from the homepage of the App?
Yes. Tap the + icon on the top right part of the page. But, it would be more convenient for you to use TimeTec Leave App on your smartphone. If you haven't installed one, now is the right time to do it. The App is available on iOS and Android, just type TimeTec Leave and download for free.
3. Is there a calendar function within the App, where I can have an overview of everyone's leave?
The calendar function will be available in the second version of TimeTec Leave App. TimeTec Leave is designed to have different access level for each individual so you can only view based on your access level. Anyhow, we will keep you updated soon on the calendar function so stay tuned!
4. What will happen after I've spent all my leaves?
You will not be allowed to apply for any further leave. However, you can still apply for unpaid leaves, which is also available in the leave type selection, and it has to go the same approval process as other type of leaves.
5. Can I setup an account straight from TimeTec Leave App?
The setup of the account can only be done on the web portal because there are many details that an admin needs to take care of to not incur any errors when the system has been deployed. Hence, the setup is recommended to be done on a bigger screen like a computer rather than a small screen smartphone.
6. Can I change my profile picture or any other information such as addresses within TimeTec Leave App?
Changing of profile information can only be done by the Admin because TimeTec Leave is a company's system and all information in the TimeTec Leave must follow the information in your employment records. Any change of information must go through Human Resource and approval of your superior.
7. Can I change my password on TimeTec Leave App?
The Forgot Password feature will be available in the second version of TimeTec Leave app. As for now, you can change your password through the web. We will keep you updated on on the latest development. Stay tuned!
8. Is there anything I can do within the App in order for me to obtain my leave approval faster?
Oh Yes! You can buzz your approver in the application detail page and your approver will be notified instantly. However, if the delay is caused by your approver, there is nothing the system could do but you could call him personally to speed up the process.
9. Will I receive any notification if my leave is approved/rejected?
Yes. You will receive both app and email notification once your leave is approved or rejected.
10. Will I still receive any notification if I exited out of the App?
Yes. As long as your mobile is connected to the Internet, you will receive them.
Questions on TimeTec Leave Web module (Admin point of view) |
1. TimeTec Leave App stops working (already login) when I changed my password on TimeTec Leave web. Is this normal? If so, what should I do?
Yes. This is caused by the security verification of the app. In other words, the app detects that your password has been changed and in order to stay login within the app, you will then have to insert your new password.
2. Will changing the password on TimeTec Leave affect other solutions which I've subscribed to, such as TimeTec TA?
Yes. TimeTec solution is using the Single Sign On method for user authentication. Therefore, once you have changed your password in any application, it will take effect on other applications too.
3. Will a User be able to view exactly what the Admin can within TimeTec Leave?
Nope. The Admin will be able to view the approval module which the user is not allowed to access.
4. What are the differences between an Admin's and a User's account in TimeTec Leave?
The Admin will be able to setup the company leave settings, amend user's leave allowances, balances, etc. Furthermore, If the Admin is also one of the approvers to the staff, he/she will be able to make leave approval. On the other hand, the User in TimeTec Leave will be only able to apply/cancel leave, view their leave allowances & balances, calendar etc.
5. Why is there the option to set Deductible/Non-Deductible and Paid/Unpaid under Add Leave Type? Aren't the terms meaning roughly the same thing?
Deductible leave is where your leave consists of a certain amount of balance, e.g. Annual Leave. Non-Deductible leave is a type of leave which does not consist of a balance amount, e.g. Maternity Leave. Depending on the company's policy, you can then set which leave is to be considered Paid or Unpaid. Let's look at a simple example: A company has a limit in terms of the amount of Emergency Leave taken thus Emergency Leave is deductible and can be labelled as Unpaid. A Maternity Leave however, is considered to be a non-deductible and paid leave.
6. What is the function of Color Reference under Add Leave Type and why is it so important?
The color is for the purpose of easy reference when you view the homepage's pie chart and calendar.
7. I've noticed a mistake submitted under Leave Settings, can I edit the supposed mistake and will the action take effect immediately?
Yes. All edited settings will take effect immediately upon saving.
8. Is there any way for me to undo my actions under Leave Settings if I accidentally deleted it?
Unfortunately, no. You will have to create the Leave Type or Leave Policy again. Please keep in mind that a confirmation message will be prompted when you delete anything.
9. I've noticed an Import Holiday under the Holiday tab, what exactly is it functions and does it apply to every country?
You can import the holidays that we have prepared based on your country and it saves you time from adding it manually. Additionally, we are working very hard to get the list updated.
10. Can I manually set the holiday period if i do not want to depend on the Import Holiday function?
Yes. Simply select the date(s) and insert the holiday's name.
On Payment |
I don't trust online payment. Can I use other payment modes?
Yes. You can pay to our local authorized reseller. We will activate your subscription account once we have received payment from the local reseller.
I prefer to pay in local currency, what should I do?
We charge the subscription fees in US dollar. If you would like to pay using your local currency, you may choose to pay to our local authorized resellers. But the total amount would be based on the then exchange rate of your local currency against US dollar.
Do I need to pay bank charges when I make the online payment to you?
No. You just need to pay the exact amount on the billing.