1. Leave Audit Trail Enhancement – New Audit Trail for Balance Accrual
The first update is for those that use the Accrual settings in TimeTec Leave to provide leave to users. The Accrual Interval function is applicable if company policy requires that leave is accrued and added to the leave balance available only when earned from the employee's service. With this function, the system will periodically increase users’ leave balances by certain days based on preset intervals.
In July, we enhanced the Audit Trail for Balance Accrual to display more details such as the specific date and the number of days that leave has been accrued.
a. User > User Leave Settings > Balance Accrual tab > Audit Trail
b. Popup of Balance Accrual Audit Trail |
2. Leave Details Report – Display List of Approvers
The Leave Details report provides information on all leave requests that were approved, pending, rejected or cancelled within a selected date range.
We recently enhanced this report to display the list of Approvers for each leave application.