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مسرد لإدارة الأجازات
يمكن للموظفين التقدم بطلب للحصول على إجازة من العمل لأسباب مختلفة. بعض الأوراق هي متطلبات قانونية، في حين أن بعضها الآخر يترك إضافية وفقا لتقدير المنظمة. هناك إجازات مدفوعة الأجر، حيث تحتاج الشركات إلى حساب الراتب على الرغم من أن الموظفين بعيدة عن العمل، وهناك أيضا أوراق غير مدفوعة الأجر، حيث لن يتم تعويض الموظفين عن غياب أي عمل. وقد يكون اسم الإجازة المفترضة مختلفا على الرغم من أنه يحمل نفس المعنى في بلدان أخرى. يرجى ملاحظة أن ليس كل الأوراق تنطبق على جميع الشركات في ضوء سيناريوهات معينة حيث يتم منع بعض الموظفين من أخذ إجازة في فترة معينة بسبب متطلبات التشغيل.
تقوم TimeTec بإعداد مسرد للمصطلحات المتعلقة بمسائل الإجازات والموارد البشرية ، بالإضافة إلى المصطلحات المستخدمة في TimeTec Leave للرجوع إليها.
A | C | E | H | | J | L | M | P | R | S |
A تفاصيل إيضاحات أو معلومات الموقع ذات الصلة
Absent       Time taken off work by an employee. Absence can be categorized as authorised or unauthorised. Authorized absence is when the absence is approved by someone having the permission to do so while unauthorised absence refers to a situation when the employee is not given permission to be absent from work.
Accrued Leave The leave accrued during the year within your current holiday pay year. At every pay period, this leave entitlement keeps increasing based either on the hours worked or the days paid depending on your company’s policy and at the end of the year, you will have accrued your total entitlement.
Admin This refers to employees that have been given Administrator privilege (i.e. assigned to a System Role). You can create multiple System roles that are customized with different access rights to modules and divisions.  
Annual Leave Paid time off work granted by employers to employees to be used for whatever reason the employee wishes. Annual leave entitlement is different in each country. Apart of it being a statutory requirement, a company can also add days to its staff’s annual leave entitlement at its discretion.
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Any Admin One of the options available for a user's Leave Approval Method. This approval method will allow any of the system's Admins to be labelled as 'Approver' for the selected employee. However, only one Admin is required to respond in order for the leave to be approved or rejected.  
Compassionate Leave A period of absence from work granted to someone as a result of particular personal circumstances, especially the death of a close relative.
Crunch Time Crunch Time can be used as an event on the calendar to alert users on critical/time-pressing period. These events can be setup to prevent users from requesting leave on these supposed days.
Examination Leave A period of absence from work granted to an employee who has to sit for an important examination. In general, Examination Leave can be a subset of Annual Leave but for some companies, employees are encouraged to upscale their knowledge and as a result, Examination Leave is given as a separate additional leave.
Half Day Leave An employee is permitted to leave the office for half of the normal working hours. For example, if the total working hours is 8, a half day leave would mean taking time off from work, i.e. 9a.m to 1p.m (half day morning) or 2pm to 6pm (half day evening). The leave balance will then be deducted by 0.5 for each Half Day Leave approval.
Hierarchy Chart Hierarchy Chart displays the position level of users based on their designations in an organization. This chart is necessary if you intend to select 'Immediate Supervisor' option for the Leave Approval Method.
Hospitalization Leave The amount of paid outpatient and hospitalisation sick leave that an employee can take and it is usually capped at the total of sick leave entitlement. For example, if you have already taken a certain amount of days of outpatient sick leave within a year, then the number of days of hospitalisation sick leave that you can take is deducted from that of your outpatient sick days.
Immediate Supervisor One of the options available for a user's Leave Approval Method. This approval method will allow selected Immediate Supervisor to be assigned as an Approver. You can select multiple supervisors but all selected supervisors must respond to the employee's leave application to complete the approval process.  
Joined Date Joined Date represents the date that the employee has joined the Company. This date is particularly significant for any newly joined employees during the current year because it is used to compute the new users' Default leave balance, provided the company applies the Standard Prorated (or another Prorated Leave Balance) method to calculate their leave balance.
Leave Policy A Leave Policy is a set of rules, procedures and guidelines established by organizations in accordance with applicable federal and local laws, which govern the process, timeframes and reporting procedures for time taken off work.
Leave Restriction Limit the number of users who can request to be on leave on the very same day by adding in Leave Restrictions. You can set the daily limit in terms of office, department, leave type or any other specific combination which suits your organization's policy. In addition, you can also specify a date range within Leave Restrictions.
Leave Without Pay/ Unpaid Leave A period of time that someone is allowed away from work for holiday, illness, or other special reasons, in which they are not paid for.
Marriage Leave An employer can give employees marriage leave at his/her discretion. However, Marriage Leave is usually considered fully paid leave; but you may decide for it to be part-paid or unpaid if the leave you granted is for an extended period of time.
Maternity Leave A period of absence from work granted to a mother before and after the birth of her child.
Paternity Leave A period of absence from work granted to a father after the birth of his child.
Prorated Balance A feature that can be used in both leave policies and length of service accruals, where the number of leaves are divided based on the time of service. For example, if your leave policy allocates 12 annual leaves a year in January, and you hired a new employee in October, you can then use the prorated balance to allocate a percentage of his yearly allowance to the remainder of the calendar year. The same method can be applied for the length of service accruals, where the additional leave allocations can be divided throughout the remainder of the calendar year.
Replacement Credit If Replacement Leave setting is enabled, assigned users will be able to apply for Replacement Credit whenever they work overtime. After the application is approved, this credit is added to the user’s Replacement Leave balance.
Replacement Leave Replacement leave is sometimes referred to as “time-off-in-lieu” holiday. This means an employer provides additional paid time off from work instead of overtime pay whenever an employee works beyond their normal working hours, as agreed in the employment contract. In TimeTec Leave, the Replacement Leave feature allows users to apply for Replacement Credit when they work overtime. Approved credits will then be added to the user’s Replacement Leave balance.
S تفاصيل إيضاحات أو معلومات الموقع ذات الصلة
Sabbatical Leave Sabbatical leave is defined as a time period in which a person does not report to his regular job but who remains employed within that company. An example of sabbatical leave is when a professor takes a semester off to conduct a study on a subject of interest.
Service Accrual The Length of Service Accruals are used to automatically increase your user's allowance/balance once they have reached a certain number of months/years of service within your company. For example, if a user has served the company for more than 5 years, 3 days of annual leave will be added to their leave allowance/balance.
Sick/Medical Leave Sick leave (or paid sick days or sick pay) is time off from work that workers can use to stay home in order to address their health and safety needs without losing pay. Additionally, some companies might require proof from medical practitioner to grant this.
Specific Sequence One of the options available for a user's Leave Approval Method. This approval method allows you to name the Approvers for a particular employee and its approval sequence. The approval process will follow the sequence set whereby the second approver cannot administer the approval until the first approver has administered his/her approval for the employee's leave application.
Study Leave A period of absence from work granted to an employee who has to study for an important examination.
System Roles TimeTec is designed to provide restricted access to authorized users as permitted by the company. You can achieve this by creating System roles and then assigning the appropriate System Roles to selected users (i.e. appoint as Admin). You can create multiple System Roles that are customized with different access rights to modules and divisions.
يجب على إدارات الموارد البشرية أن تكون على دراية جيدة بموضوع استحقاق إجازة الموظفين. وعلاوة على ذلك، يجب أن يتوافق التنفيذ مع المتطلبات القانونية للبلد، وكذلك سياسة الإجازة الخاصة بالشركة. الحصول عليه القيام به بدقة في جميع الأوقات دون أن تواجه أي تعقيد مع نشر حل تيمتيك ترك سحابة المستندة. تجربة الراحة من نظام حديث دون أي التزام.
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